Cloudy Water
We often get customers in Durban North who have cloudy swimming pool water. It can be very frustrating if the customer seems to be doing everything correctly, but the pool just isn’t playing ball!
There are a number of different reasons that this could happen, and below are some of the checks you can do on your swimming pool if the water is cloudy.
What are the possible causes of blue-cloudy swimming pool water?
- Poor water circulation?
- Is the pH too high?
- Is the Total alkalinity too high?
- Is there too much bacteria in the water?
Here is a check list for each of the above possible scenarios:
Poor water circulation
- Make sure your swimmming pool filter and pump system is in good mechanical condition.
- Make sure your sand in the filter is clean. (You can use a filter sand cleaner if the sand is over a year old)
- Run the pump and filter for 24 hours a day until water clears up. Thereafter, 10 to 12 hours in summer continuously, and 6 to 8 hours in winter continuously.
- Use a water clarifier to speed up the clarifying process.
High pH
- Adjust pH to 7.4-7.6
- If you are using sanitizers which raise the pH like calcium hypochlorite for routine chlorination, check the pH regularly and use acid to lower the pH.
Total Alkalinity too high
- Reduce to the correct level using a larger quantity of acid than when you adjust the pH.
- Check Total Alkalinity again the next day
Bacteria in the water
- Remove bactaria by shock dosing the swimming pool with 3 cups of granular chlorine per 50, 000l. Keep an eye on the pH, as this could raise the pH and make the chlorine ineffective
If you battle with any of the above, or need our assistance, click here to contact us