Does your pool have a green or greenish-blue tint to the water? Have you noticed stains forming on your pool surfaces? Well then chances are you may have a metal problem in your pool.
Metals play a role in water balance as it has the ability to stain pool surfaces and discolour water as well.
Metals are usually introduced into your pool in a number of different ways, such as from; corrosion of metal equipment/ fittings due to improper water balance, metallic algaecides, filling or topping up your pool and even erosion of metals from water velocity. Metals cause staining when they are pulled out of solution by influences in the water or acting on the water. These include: oxidisers such as sunlight and chlorine as well as products that impart a dramatic change in pH and alkalinity therefore the preferred level of metals in a pool is zero.
If however you do find metals in your swimming pool try our Bioguard Pool Magnet. This liquid concentrate is a powerful chelating agent which chelates a wide range of metals which prevents staining and protects pool surfaces and may also remove fresh stains.
For metals in the water add minimum of 250ml per 10 000L of pool water and a maintenance dose 25ml per 10 000L of pool water is recommended.
For fresh stains add 250ml per 10 000L when stains are detected and brush stains daily. Results may be seen in 5-7 days.
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